20-23 AUGUST 2024



Savo Heleta
Divinia Jithoo
Durban University of Technology Academic research collaboration between South Africa and the rest of the African continent: What the Scopus data tells us?
Samia Chasi
Susan B. Sutton
International Education Association of South Africa
Indiana University
A More Equitable and Inclusive Post-Pandemic Landscape for International Partnerships
Fazela Haniff Elevate Talent The Colour of Internationalisation
Janice Moodley
Bianca Parry   
Itumeleng Masisi
University of South Africa Academics in Context: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Organising the First Online Southern African Student Psychology Conference
Philiswa Mncube Durban University of Technology The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on internationalisation policies, strategies, and funding flows in South Africa.
Nontokozo Mashiya University of Zululand Foregrounding a Historically Disadvantaged Institution as an International African University: A case of the University of Zululand
Sarah Jane van der Westhuizen Stellenbosch University A tight spot: Geo-politics, Climate Change and Covid-19
Cornelius Hagenmeier
Nico Jooste   
Lynette Jacobs
University of the Free State
African Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation 
University of the Free State
Rethinking Internationalisation in South Africa: The relevance of undergraduate international students in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Helin Bäckman Kartal South Africa – Sweden University Forum  Building international collaboration that is resilient and sustainable –lessons learned from Swedish-South African collaboration (SASUF) during Covid
Tasmeera Singh  
Zinzi Nkalatishana
Leonie Schoelen
Cape Peninsula University of Technology Using technology to create an enabling inclusive internationalisation agenda
Noel Kufaine   
Beata Mtyingizana 
Namibia University of Science of Technology 
Nelson Mandela University
Internationalisation leadership challenges during COVID_19 pandemic
Carol Newman
Lindelwa Mkhize 
Asanda Tele
Natasha September

Durban University of Technology
Nelson Mandela University
Nelson Mandela University
The resilience of internationalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic : A case of the Durban University of Technology (DUT) and the Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
Fiona Erispe  University of Cape Town The impact of the pandemic on Visa and Immigration matters for Internationals studying at Institutions in the Republic of South Africa.
Nomsa Xubane
Asemahle Xanti
Nelson Mandela University International Education post COVID-19: A reflection on Immigration laws and the role of digital technology in teaching, learning and communication strategies.
Qhama Bona
John Mashayamombe
Kanego Mokgosi
Nwabisa Thwani
Nelson Mandela University International higher education partnerships, Agenda 2063, and Sustainable Development Goals: internationalisation processes and initiatives
Tarynne Swarts University of the Witwatersrand  The resilience of African transnational students studying at a University in South Africa during the Covid19 pandemic using a photovoice methodology.
Sharon Barnes
Janine Bezuidenhout 
Vuyo Qutywa
Nelson Mandela University

Demonstrating the changes which have been brought about by the pandemic at the level of institutional internationalisation funding flows at Nelson Mandela University.
Farai Kapfudzaruwa
Sepo Hachigonta
Kyle Farmby
Jan Crafford
Sedwyn Anthony
University of Pretoria
National Research Foundation
Gilford College
University of Venda
University of Pretoria
Reflecting and reimagining global north-global south higher education partnerships: insights from the United States-South Africa Education Network
Leaders from the Network of International Education Associations  International Association of Universities
European Association for International Education 
International Association of Universities
The Mexican Association for International Education
Regional reflections on developments on International education